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Profession: Certified Public Accountant, International Tax Adviser, Expert Transfer Pricing
Location Main Office: City // Mexico D.F. | Country // Mexico
Incentives and attraction of foreign direct investment, International financial reporting standards, Mexican and international tax issues, Tax in international investments
Consulting companies, Financial institutions, Food and beverage distributors, Independent financial advisory, Pharmaceutical distributors, Tax advisory for hospitality and tourism industry, Tax advisory for real estate and leasing companies, Tax advisory for trusts and pension funds, Transfer pricing, Transport and storage, Wholesale distributors
Carlos H. Camacho Córdoba, MAF - Educated at the University of Costa Rica, with final degree in Public Accounting, University of International Cooperation, with a Master degree in Tax Advisory and actually a PhD Candidate from Universidad Castilla la Mancha, Spain, in International Tax and International Tax Law. Carlos H. Camacho has been an entrepreneur for the past 28 years and is the founding partner of Grupo Camacho S.A., servicing Central America, the Caribbean Region, and now also with presence in Mexico and Colombia.
Carlos H. Camacho joined CBA as International Tax Expert and Business Consultant in January 2016.
Spanish, English, French
MAF (Master in Tax Advisory), Phd. Candidate (International Tax (Universidad Castilla de la Mancha, Spain)
Career and Business Profile: Founder of the International Center of Tax Intelligence (CIIT), company dedicated to research, training and documentation for the Ibero-American area concerning taxation issues, headquartered in the City of Knowledge, Panama. International Taxation Expert: National and international speaker with over 20 years of experience in areas such as: international investments, incentives and attraction of foreign direct investment; international financial reporting standards, as well a local and international tax issues. Industries/Sectors: Wholesale distributors, pharmaceutical distributors, food and beverage distributors, consulting companies, financial advisers and other independent advisers, financial institutions as banks, pension funds, trusts, mainly in tax advisory, real estate and leasing companies, mainly in accounting services and tax advisory, transport and storage companies, mainly in accounting services and transfer pricing, hotels, restaurants and tourism companies, in general mainly in tax advisory.
Years in Advisory: 28
Accompanied & accomplished deals: 0
Total Transaction Volume: EUR 0
Since September 2000 Carlos H. Camacho is Chairman of the Latin American Board of Morison International, Member of the International Committee of Forensic Accounting and International Tax of Morison International. Memberships Institute of Chartered Public Accountants of Costa Rica Member N° 742, Institute of Private Accountants of Costa Rica Member N° 8461, Institute of Professionals in Economic Sciences Member N° 1217, Member of the Fiscal Studies Center, IFA (International Fiscal Association) Rotterdam, Netherlands Member of the Commission against Fiscal Fraud Costa Rica President of Morison International, Latin America, Morison International, Board Member