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Profession: Economist Business Consultant
Location Main Office: City // Lima | Country // Peru
Engineering-economic modeling, Internet expertise, Internet policy and strategy, Network cost modeling, Regulatory policy and strategy
Airlines, Airports, Aviation, Dispute resolution, Internet infrastucture
David Mark Kennet is an internationally recognized economic consultant who has published widely in professional economics journals. Dr. Kennet earned a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin and served on the faculties of the University of California - Santa Cruz, Tulane University, Johns Hopkins University, and George Washington University, and has lectured at numerous universities and other institutions around the world. Perhaps best known for his work in developing analytical engineering-economic cost models in telecommunications used by regulators in the U.S., Peru, and in other countries, Dr. Kennet has also published articles on applied econometrics and analyzing the effects of deregulation on the airline industry. He joined CBA as Consulting Professional in March 2016.
Spanish, English, Hebrew
PhD in Economics
Co-developed analytical approach used by US FCC in determining rural telecoms subsidies (1998-1999). Led Latin America’s first successful regulatory cost model proceeding in
Telecoms (Peru, 2002-2003)
Years in Advisory: 19
Accompanied & accomplished deals: 25
Total Transaction Volume: EUR 8,000,000
Bicycled from Front Royal, VA, to Santa Cruz, CA.
Completed Otao and Olleros downhill mountain bike adventures.