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Businesses Wanted

Seeking properties in unique touristic locations

Mandate ID: DE-1-GKA-49-2310-2
Transaction Type:
Businesses Wanted

Industry: Hospitality

Sector: Hotels

SIC Code: 70110300 HOTELS

Country of Origin: Confidential | Confidential

Target Countries: Norway

Target Areas: Eastern Europe, Asia

Businesses Wanted > Seeking properties in unique touristic locations

Business Review

Our client is interested to invest in properties located in unique tourist locations with good infra structure in Central and Southern Europe, primarily in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Spain, but also in the UK, Benelux countries, France, Portugal, Greece, and Croatia.

Ideally, properties in the 4-5-star segment or with the potential to be transformed into 4- or 5-star property, with a minimum of 60 rooms or respective expansion options.

Also of interest are properties with expiring leases and management contracts, and owner-managed or freehold properties.


Buyer is a large European investment group

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