The property is 902,449 square meters and has got a total volume of Pink Granite deposit which is estimated at about 2,40,00,000 cubic meters. Out of this, the mineable reserve is 6,000,000 cubic meters which is valued at a sum of US$ 950 Million. (Geology Survey Report and the Valuation report will be available upon request).
Price: USD 320000000
The property of 223 Acres has got total volume of Pink Granite deposit is estimated about 2,40,00,000 cubic Meters.
Out of this Mineable reserve is 60 lakh cubic meters. Worth of Rs. 7500/- crores (Indian Rupees Seven Thousand Five hundred Crores only) and equal to US$ 178,370,000. (on the basis of Geology Report and Valuation Report).
The property owned by 5 members of the same family and representing them by a single registered GPA holder
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