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Ahmed El-Badawy Hassan
Ahmed El-Badawy Hassan
Cairo, Egypt

I would like to introduce and recommend Mr. Mehta as a potential member of Cross Border Associates (CBA).

Mr. Mehta has a long track record in business and possesses a unique expertise in business and management consultancy.

Also, Mr. Mehta has a very solid network of professionals, whom I believe would represent a strong addition to our distinguished network.

I will leave the process for you from here, and I am truly honored to be part of your distinguished network (CBA).

Best regards

Ahmed El-Badawy Hassan
Mergers and Acquisitions Adviser | CBA Egypt

Pritesh Ingale
Pritesh Ingale
Mumbai, India

CBA is a good platform / partnership for the M&A advisors / Investment Bankers for cross border transactions.

Pritesh Ingale | Partner | A Plus Consultants
Investment Banking and Deal Advisory Firm
Offices in India: Mumbai I Nagpur I Pune | Ahmedabad

Kefa Kuteesa Nsubuga
Kefa Kuteesa Nsubuga
Kampala, Uganda

RE: M&A NEWS, October 21 issue

Dear Mr. Kahle,

Indeed this is a special issue.

I have overly enjoyed it and most especially the story on drying fruits for export in Ghana, Ivory Coast and now Kenya, our neighbour.

This story caught my attention because we have the most delicious pineapples in the East African region. Our farmers will soon be in bigger business.

Stay well and safe.

Kind regards,

Kefa Kuteesa Nsubuga
Kampala, Uganda